Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Post Op after coming home

After staying in Florida for 2 weeks I came home to NJ.
Here it was summer vacation still so i'm very glad that I didn't have school. I mean I think it definitely would have been hard if I had school.
You are on a no-chew diet for about 6 months. I drank a good amount of Ensure after the surgery. I had many many liquids which is very helpful. What I ate when I opened my mouth (15 minutes, 5 times a day) was smoothies. I bought this thing called a Magic Bullet adn that was very very helpful. Another thing I learned to love was the simple potato masher. I mashed up everything and ate it. I had a lot fo pasta. I over cooked the pasta so it was very soft and used the potato masher to mash t up with lots fo cheese and tomato sauce. I mean its based on prefernce. Lisa told me about how there were some patients who blended up pizza and burgers and stuff. That is something i could never do.

Gradually, i got more time out of the splint. I added 15 minutes every 2 weeks. The first 2 weeks after surgery, I had 15 minutes - 5 times a day. Then it was 30 minutes - 5 times a day. and so on.

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